
We give of our resources not because God is in need of them, nor because we try to earn God’s favor. Rather, we give as an act of worship (2 Cor 9:6-7). By giving we demonstrate that God is more valuable than our money and that we do not serve money. All the resources given go towards the mission of Belle City Church.

Online giving is a simple and secure way to give to Belle City Church.

Setting up an online account is quick, SECure, and easy. From the site, you can manage your giving, give using your bank account or credit/debit card, make a one-time gift, or set up RECURRING gifts. IT allows you to track your giving history and make changes quickly and easily.

If you experience trouble creating your account or setting up your giving options, please contact our church office on our contact page.

Gifts may also be given Sunday's during the services. Thank you for your generosity!